Waiting on the 4:30 birdie

The birds have been returning to New England over the past month. From my porch I can see jays, crows, robins, cardinals, and I can hear the occasional woodpecker. Over the past few years, in late March or early April, a single bird, an american robin I think, sits in a tree outside our window and sings its little lungs out in the early morning. It’s a strange thing to hear because there is almost no other bird chatter at that time. My girlfriend and I call this the “4:30 birdie”. Spring may have sprung, but the season won’t have truly changed until the 4:30 birdie arrives.

2 thoughts on “Waiting on the 4:30 birdie”

  1. Let me know when the FTB arrives. Lots of birds here in England and lots of watchers as well.

    But have not heard any that compare with the FTB.

  2. If the song is really complicated, long, and repetitive, it might be a mockingbird.

    They’re neat. I love watching one chase after a much larger crow, yelling at it and even touching the crow when it can.

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