For some reason I’ve never met an aggregator that I like. I don’t like to paw through large lists of headlines and bounce between a reader and a web browser. My ultimate aggregator would help me classify by subjects, feeds, headlines and weight them based on my reading habits. Does something like this exist for Mac OS X?
I’ve noticed there are a handful of RSS reader extensions for Mozilla. Does anyone have experience with them?
I don’t think it does – yet. Brent has been talking about some cool ideas along those lines for NNW though.
Hi Kevin, Have you given QuikView a try? Cross-platform, cross-browser friendly and makes for a great bookmark server too.
I’ve been playing with Amphetadesk, which is nice when you combine it with AmphetaOutlines. AphetaOutlines records your clicks and moves the frequently read stuff to the top. Very nice. Still, I’m not sure if I can get used to reading news this way. I wonder if there is an XUL version of AmphetaOutlines. Hmm 🙂
I use the RSS Reader extension for Mozilla Firefox, and I love it. It’s very handy, and it’s nice to have the posts rendered in a Gecko engine instead of by a generic rss reader.
The RSS Reader Panel is a very cool addition to Firefox. But it downloads newsfeeds one at a time as I click on them. AmphetaDesk and NetNewsWire download all your subscribed feeds at once which makes skimming much easier.
Take a look at FeedDemon
Omniweb 5 beta has RSS support. Not sure how good it is though.
Yeah, I was looking at Omniweb’s RSS support the other day. They integrate it into the Bookmarks Manager. It’s a nice try, but the functionality is pretty bare bones.
and GSF, FeedDemon is for Windows. I’m on a Mac 🙂
Try Bloglines It’s web-based so you can read from where ever you are.
I’ve read good things about NetNewsWire. It’s a rss reader for OS X. The full version costs $39.95, but there’s a lite version that’s freeware and has most of the functionality.
The lite version of NetNewsWire is buried behind a lot a scrolling on their page. Otherwise, it is the least annoying one so far. It even aggregrates!
sorry! exhausted today.
Have you tried NewsMac yet?
I’m unfortunately not aware of any Mac readers that appraoch FeedDemon.
NNW is OK but unrefined and expensive. The free version doesn’t have the three side-by-side panels. Channels are displayed in a tree which is clunky.
Shrook’s synching is cool but the client is terrible. No dates. 4 panels instead of the better 3. Distracting stars. Headlines-only in summary panel.
NewsMac is polished but has way too much feed organization to the detriment of feed reading.
Web-based services are horribly inefficent.
It would be terrific if someone would “port” FeedDemon to MacOS.
You could try BottomFeeder, cross platform Smalltalk based RSS reader. Has a nice bundle for OS/X.