There’s a great discussion on the Seamonkey newsgroup about the mission of and the future of Mozilla technologies. It’s great to see a high level discussion like this. It’s worth a read if you have more that a passing interest in Mozilla development. Here’s the thread on Google Groups, but it won’t be as up to date as the above newsgroup link.
Pinstripe Thunderbird has landed!

I’m proud to announce that Pinstripe has become the new default theme on the Mac version of Mozilla Thunderbird. The theme is a collaboration between myself and designer Stephen Horlander that attempts to make Thunderbird feel right at home on the Mac desktop.
Here’s a picture of the theme in action. You can try it yourself by downloading the latest nightly build (11MB gzipped disk image).
Thanks to Scott MacGregor for his help and patience.
Coming Soon: a version of Pinstripe for the Mozilla Suite
Crunchy Jazz
I’m really digging the album “Give” by The Bad Plus. It’s jazz with a sort of punk vibe. Sometimes cacophonous, often experimental and always interesting. They even do a cover of one of my favorite Pixies songs.
Waiting on the 4:30 birdie
The birds have been returning to New England over the past month. From my porch I can see jays, crows, robins, cardinals, and I can hear the occasional woodpecker. Over the past few years, in late March or early April, a single bird, an american robin I think, sits in a tree outside our window and sings its little lungs out in the early morning. It’s a strange thing to hear because there is almost no other bird chatter at that time. My girlfriend and I call this the “4:30 birdie”. Spring may have sprung, but the season won’t have truly changed until the 4:30 birdie arrives.
Ben's Linux Adventure
I’m encouraged by Ben Goodger’s post about his experiences with Fedora Linux. Installing and configuring Linux used to be a painful experience. At least now you don’t have to be a technical wizard to get it up and running. The GNOME desktop has come a long way. It doesn’t approach the level of usability and polish that is evident in Mac OS X, but it’s refreshing that one of Ben’s complaints is about the “drab colors” of the login screen and desktop background. A few years ago one of my complaints about Linux was that I needed to recompile the kernel to add features that I expected out-of-the-box.
Recommend an RSS news reader
For some reason I’ve never met an aggregator that I like. I don’t like to paw through large lists of headlines and bounce between a reader and a web browser. My ultimate aggregator would help me classify by subjects, feeds, headlines and weight them based on my reading habits. Does something like this exist for Mac OS X?
I’ve noticed there are a handful of RSS reader extensions for Mozilla. Does anyone have experience with them?
Pinstripe Thunderbird: First Look
The Pinstripe Theme is coming soon to Thunderbird (Mac only of course)! Stephen Horlander has created some amazing icons. You’re gonna love it 🙂 Watch this blog for details.
Mozilla Firefox!
New Name. New Look. New Icon. The program formerly known as Phoenix and Mozilla Firebird has just released version 0.8. This version is faster and more stable than before and has more neat features than you can shake a stick at. Check the release notes. It also features the Pinstripe theme as the new default look on Mac OS X. Download it here!
Note: The Firefox UI may appear broken if you are using a previous version of the Pinstripe theme. Go into your theme preferences, select “Firefox (default)”, then close and reopen the browser to make sure you are using the latest incarnation of the Pinstripe theme.
Pinstripe Firefox Gallery
The newly released Mozilla Firefox 0.8 has a new look on Mac OS X. It is the first Firefox milestone to be released with the Pinstripe theme as the default. Here are a few screen shots.
Screen shots of Firefox on Windows can be found at Neil’s World.
OmniWeb 5 Beta, mini-mini review
What I like: When you control-click on a bookmark in the Favorites Bar and choose “Edit Label” from the menu, the bookmark label changes into a text box and you can edit the label right on the toolbar without having to use a dialog box. Nice.
What I don’t like: The Form Fill, Cookie, and Image status bar icons don’t simply turn on and off, they slide in and out of the right corner of the bar. I prefer that Omnweb save the animation for something that is actually intended to draw my attention.
Check out the OmniWeb 5.0 beta for yourself.