Pinstripe for Firefox: Now with 20% more Macintosh

This update to the stand-alone Pinstripe theme turned out to be more of a redesign than I originally intended. Stephen Horlander sent in a cool concept for the browser tabs. Check out the etched text on the inactive tabs. You’ll see some of the other details in the screenshot below. The theme has some rough edges but should be usable. As always I appreciate your feedback.

Click on the thumbnail for a full screenshot.

Install the Pinstripe Theme (requires Firefox 2.0RC1 or later on Mac OS X)

Firefox 1.x Classic themes available

Winstripe preview
The Firefox 1.x classic default themes, called Pinstripe on Mac and Winstripe on Windows, are available for your installing and downloading pleasure.

These are simply stand-alone versions of the Firefox themes before the Firefox “visual refresh” landed. The themes require at least Firefox 2.0b1. I will work on them in the coming weeks to smooth out the rough spots. I tested the themes on my machines but they may be buggy. Please let me know if they don’t work for you.

Install Pinstripe FF Classic (Mac only)

Install Winstripe FF Classic (Windows only)

Download Pinstripe FF Classic
Download Winstripe FF Classic

By the way, you can get the Illustrator and Photoshop files used to make these themes here.

Pinstripe for Mozilla 1.5+

Finally. Here’s a version of Pinstripe for the Mozilla suite. I’m not done yet but I thought I’d share what I have so far. The status bar icons need some work. I didn’t touch the Composer or Chatzilla components so they still have a partially Classic look. Click here to install. Mac OS X only please.

This should work with any version of the Mozilla suite back to 1.5, but I have only tested so far with the latest 1.7rc. If you want to know what the theme looks like, check out the Firefox gallery and Thunderbird screen shots. I welcome your questions, comments, criticism, and abuse 🙂

Pinstripe Thunderbird has landed!

I’m proud to announce that Pinstripe has become the new default theme on the Mac version of Mozilla Thunderbird. The theme is a collaboration between myself and designer Stephen Horlander that attempts to make Thunderbird feel right at home on the Mac desktop.

Here’s a picture of the theme in action. You can try it yourself by downloading the latest nightly build (11MB gzipped disk image).

Thanks to Scott MacGregor for his help and patience.

Coming Soon: a version of Pinstripe for the Mozilla Suite

Mozilla Firefox!

New Name. New Look. New Icon. The program formerly known as Phoenix and Mozilla Firebird has just released version 0.8. This version is faster and more stable than before and has more neat features than you can shake a stick at. Check the release notes. It also features the Pinstripe theme as the new default look on Mac OS X. Download it here!

Note: The Firefox UI may appear broken if you are using a previous version of the Pinstripe theme. Go into your theme preferences, select “Firefox (default)”, then close and reopen the browser to make sure you are using the latest incarnation of the Pinstripe theme.

TBE Compatibility

The Mac Firebird theme is still not compatible with Tabbrowser Extentions. I’ve contacted the TBE author about compatibility but have not received a reply. If any of you would like to let the author know that you’d like TBE to work with Mac Firebird, you can post here:

Update January 23: Apparently there is a patch on Piro’s site that makes TBE work with Mac Firebird. I can’t confirm this and I probably won’t have time to test it this weekend. I’d be grateful if someone could download the patch, try it out and write out simple instructions that I can post here. Thanks!

Pinstripe becomes default Mozilla Firebird theme on Mac OS X

I’m pleased to announce that last night the Pinstripe theme landed in Mac Firebird. You can check it out by downloading the latest nightly build. This new version of Pinstripe contains many tweaks and updates including an excellent new icon set by Stephen Horlander.

Since this theme is brand-spanking-new, there are a few glitches here and there which will be worked out soon. If you wish to report problems with the theme, you can do so in Bugzilla. Please remember to look at the list of bugs that have already been filed to help us minimize duplicates. If you have a question or comment, please let me know.

Thanks to Ben Goodger and Dave Hyatt for making this happen and of course to Stephen Horlander for his excellent work on the icons!

Here’s a picture of the theme in action.

Mozilla Releases and an Apology

Mozilla has let loose Firebird 0.7, Thunderbird 0.3 and the version 1.5 of the Mozilla Suite. There is also a beta version of a new website. The website looks nice, but I hope they get a copy editor or technical writer to look at the text at some point. And what’s up with that brown search box in the upper right corner on a brown background?

Anyway, I’m sorry to say that I have no version of the Pinstripe Theme for Mozilla 1.5. I am working with an icon artist to give Pinstripe a more professional look and I think you’ll find the results worth the wait. I do however have a preview of the Pinstripe theme for Mozilla Firebird. A version for the Mozilla Suite and Thunderbird is in the works.

Pinstripe Tabs, part 2

This is in response to Bill McGonigle’s comment about Pinstripe’s tabs.

Bill says: “I think of Pinstripe as truely Aqua-consistent theme for Mozilla. I place consistency one tiny notch above optimal functionality on the Mac, so I would advocate emulating Jaguar’s tab look and feel.”

Pinstripe aims for Aqua-compliance, but it misses the mark somewhat. And where it misses, it’s due to the limitations of Mozilla’s cross-platform UI…
Continue reading “Pinstripe Tabs, part 2”